Seagrass Safe Landscaping

  • Many people are over applying fertilizer to their lawns

    this is hard on your wallet and on the environment

  • Taller lawns are healthier lawns.

    When your grass is longer than 2 inches, the blades will shade the root system and keep the water from evaporating when the days are long and hot. Keep your lawn healthy and strong by keeping setting the blade higher on your mower.

  • Seagrass is more competitive with invasive macroalgae when there is less nitrogen

    When excess fertilizer from your lawn runs into the water, harmful algal blooms and invasive macroalgae kill off the seagrass.

  • You can avoid fertilizer run-off with a few simple steps

    Learn more below.

  • Assess

    Fertilizing your lawn is a science, not an art! Make a plan for your fertilizer before you buy and apply. Using the correct dosage of fertilizer at the right time will decrease nitrogen run-off into our waters.

  • Consider

    There are natural ways to keep your lawn beautiful that will not damage the beautiful underwater meadows of eelgrass around Fishers Island. You can even add native plants to your landscape that add beauty and reduce required maintenance.

  • Create

    Vegetated barriers are strips of grasses, shrubs, and trees between a water body and more urbanized or manicured landscapes. They will minimize nitrogen run-off by soaking up the excess. These natural barriers prevent minor miscalculations in the amount or timing of fertilizer from becoming catastrophic for the marine environment.

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Save Our Seagrass Movement